Why Learn about French culture?
Learning a language is more than just learning grammar rules and conjugations…
Learning about history, politics, traditions, social interactions, cuisine and mode de vie, is just as important when learning a new language.
By understanding the culture behind a language you will be able to appreciate it much more.
How do I use my podcast to share French culture?
I talk about historical figures such as Marie Curie, Yves Saint Laurent. I talk about France’s education system. I talk about French cafés, French meals and why French people remain so skinny (they literally eat baguettes everyday). By understanding French culture your view of French society will completely change. Learning about other cultures allows us to become true global citizens and break language barriers.
Some Historical figures featured in my Podcast:
These people all played a significant role in the shaping of modern politics, medicine, literature and fashion!
Marie Curie (1867-1934)
Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008)
Marie Antoinette (1755-1793)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
Victor Hugo (1802-1855)
Some of the French customs I talk about!
La Bise
This French tradition translates to “the kiss”. When greeting a friend in France it is natural to embrace them in a hug and plant a peck on each one of their cheeks.
Les Repas
In France people it three meals a day: le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. Breakfast is usually very light consisting of coffee and bread. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day. People often spend over an hour eating lunch. Unlike the U.S. dinner is usually more light.
So, how are French people so skinny?
People in France, especially in larger cities, walk everywhere. It is very expensive to have a car and there is almost no where to park. In fact, most of the exercise French people get is from walking!!!